- + Combined Resolve XII [Image 6 of 6]—Lithuanian soldiers with Engineer Battalion, Lithuanian Land Forces, take a tactical pause during Combined Resolve XII at the Hohenfels Training Area ...
- + Combined Resolve XII [Image 5 of 6]—U.S. Soldiers from 3rd battalion, 66th Armored Regiment and Slovakian soldiers from 13th Mechanized Battalion react to contact during Combined Resolve...
- + Combined Resolve XII [Image 4 of 6]—A U.S. Soldier from 3rd battalion, 66th Armored Regiment and Slovakian soldiers from 13th Mechanized Battalion call in a fire mission during Combined ...
- + Combined Resolve XII [Image 3 of 6]—U.S. Soldiers from 3rd battalion, 66th Armored Regiment and Slovakian soldiers from 13th Mechanized Battalion call in a fire mission during Combined R...
- + Combined Resolve XII [Image 2 of 6]—A Slovakian soldier with 13th Mechanized Battalion provides security during Combined Resolve XII at the Hohenfels Training Area in Germany, Aug. 24, 2...
- + Combined Resolve XII [Image 1 of 6]—A Slovakian soldier of 13th Mechanized Battalion takes cover during Combined Resolve XII at the Hohenfels Training Area in Germany, Aug. 24, 2019. Com...
- + Combined Resolve XII [Image 9 of 9]—U.S. Soldiers assigned to 101st Brigade Support Battalion, 1st Infantry Division discuss battle tactics during Combined Resolve XII at the Hohenfels T...
- + Combined Resolve XII [Image 8 of 9]—U.S. Soldiers assigned to 1st Engineer Battalion, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, conduct preflight checks on an AAI RQ-7 Shad...
- + Combined Resolve XII [Image 7 of 9]—Slovakian soldiers halt in a BMP while conducting a convoy during Combined Resolve XII at the Hohenfels Training Area in Germany, Aug. 22, 2019. Combi...
- + Combined Resolve XII [Image 6 of 9]—Slovakian soldiers halt in a BMP while conducting a convoy during Combined Resolve XII at the Hohenfels Training Area in Germany, Aug. 22, 2019. Combi...
- + Dam Strong!—HOHENFELS, Germany – Dam Strong! Physical readiness remains a top priority for Soldiers, and leaders alike, and to help them better reach those per...
- + Saber Junction 18—U.S. Soldiers with the 319th Field Artillery Regiment, 4th Battalion, 173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) conduct fire missions during Saber...
- + Saber Junction—U.S. Soldiers of 173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) set up AN/TPQ-50 radar during Saber Junction 18 at the U.S. Army’s Joint Multinational ...
- + Saber Junction—U.S. Soldiers assigned to 173rd Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) conduct counter fires during Saber Junction 18 at the U.S. Army’s Joint Multinational R...
- + Saber Junction 18—An Italian soldier assigned to the Italian Folgore Paratroopers Brigade clears a simulated land mine field during Saber Junction 18 at the U.S. Army’s...
- + Saber Junction—U.S. Soldiers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade scout potential threats at Grafenwoehr, Germany Sept. 12, 2018. Saber Junction 18 is the 173rd Airborne Br...
- + JMRC OC Academy Training—U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Lee Edmonds, a Senior Instructor from the Observer Coach Trainer Academy at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center provides...
- + Hotel 8 Additional Skill Identifier Mobile Training Team Hohenfels—Forty-one Soldiers participated in H8 Recovery Operations Additional Skill Identifier training held at the Joint Multinational Training Center from 6...
- + Georgian Mission Rehearsal Exercise—U.S. Marines of the Georgian Liaison Team, Georgian soldiers of the 23rd Light Infantry Battalion, and Hungarian soldiers of the Hungarian Defense Cad...
- + JMRC Soldier and NCO of the Quarter—U.S. Soldiers and Non-commissioned Officers of the Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) participate in the Soldier and NCO of the Quarter event...
- + MTT H8 Course—U.S. Soldiers of Camp Shelby, Mississippi Regional Training Site Maintenance Activity group on the MTT H8 Track and Wheel Vehicle Recovery course. Thi...
As of 1/11/25 1:07am. Last new 11/25/24 3:00pm. Score: 168
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