- + Planning a More Effective Army —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 5 (September–Oct...
- + PROMAP-70: A Dynamic Approach to Acquisition Management —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 5 (September–Oct...
- + The Generator Gap: Solutions to the Problem from the Mobile Electric Power Project —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 4 (July–August 1...
- + Multi-Media Individualized Instruction —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 4 (July–August 1...
- + The Logistics Offensive: Inventory in Motion—[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 4 (July–August 1...
- + The Joint Logistics Review Board: A Study of Worldwide Logistics Support of Combat Forces in the Vietnam Era—[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 4 (July–August 1...
- + Direct Delivery—Europe—[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 4 (July–August 1...
- + Logistics Offensive: Logistics Support of Army Aircraft —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 3 (May–June 1970...
- + ALPHA: A Giant Step in AMC Logistics Information Management —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 3 (May–June 1970...
- + TACOM Use of Hi-Demand —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 3 (May–June 1970...
- + The D to P Concept: A Computerized Model for Logistics Management Analysis —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 3 (May–June 1970...
- + Contingencies, Container Ships, and Lighterage —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 2 (March–April 1...
- + The Logistics Offensive: Maintenance Support Positive —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 2 (March–April 1...
- + AMC Lab Management: An Interview with Dr. Robert B. Dillaway, AMC’s Deputy for Laboratories—[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 2 (March–April 1...
- + Systems Analysis in the U.S. Army Weapons Command —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 2 (March–April 1...
- + General Engler on Logistics: An Interview with LTG Jean E. Engler —[This interview between LTG Jean E. Engler and Thomas A. Johnson was first published in the first issue of Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, whi...
- + NCOLP: An Effective Career Development Program —[This article was first published in the first issue of Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 1, numb...
- + XM-759 Conquers the Swamp—[This article was first published in the first issue of Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 1, numb...
- + Project SWAP —[This article was first published in the first issue of Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 1, numb...
- + The Complex —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 1, number 2 (November–Dece...
- + Reliability-Maintainability: The Proof of the Pudding —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 1, number 2 (November–Dece...
- + Plant Cognizance: An Example of a USAAVSCOM Program to Accelerate and Integrate Industry Production —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 1, number 2 (November–Dece...
- + MEXEFLOTE —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 1, number 2 (November–Dece...
- + The Logistics Offensive —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 1 (January–Febru...
- + Logistics in the Republic of Vietnam —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 1 (January–Febru...
- + Vietnam Lifeline: Quick Response Medical Logistics System —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 1 (January–Febru...
- + Super Contact Team —[This article was first published in Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, which was then called Army Logistician, volume 2, number 1 (January–Febru...
- + Automated Vessel Selection and Combat Load Planning —Background In large-scale combat operations (LSCO), the U.S. must move and maneuver forces through intra-theater and inter-theater modes of transporta...
- + Making 3,000 Look Like 30,000 —U.S. Army Japan (USARJ) serves as the theater gateway for U.S. forces responding to crises in the Indo-Pacific region. Inside USARJ, the 10th Regional...
- + Using Wargames to Understand Sustainment in LSCO —“We many never know the right answers, but gaming can sometimes help us learn to ask the right questions.” — from Peter Perla’s The Art of Wargaming: ...
- + Munitions Modernization: The Family of Drone Munitions —The Army Modernization Strategy outlines how the Service will become a multidomain force capable of operating across land, sea, air, space, and cyber ...
- + Aviation Refuel Planning Considerations: Limiting Factors —According to Joint Publication 3-18, Joint Forcible Entry Operations, air assault operations are a “movement of friendly assault forces ... to engage ...
- + “Where’s Waldo?” | Hiding a Battalion Command Post in Plain Sight —The famous children’s book series titled Where’s Waldo? showcased the main character Waldo, who dressed in a red and white shirt and hid among red-and...
- + Over-the-Snow Resupply for the Arctic Airborne Cavalry Squadron —In 2021, the Department of the Army renewed its focus on Arctic dominance and strategy, publishing the latest cold weather operations strategy, Regain...
- + Adapting Army Watercraft Maintenance as We Modernize Our Fleet —In an era defined by technological advancements and evolving security challenges, modernizing the Army’s watercraft fleet emerges as a strategic imper...
- + Mission Command Principles: Operation Phantom Fury’s Effective Utilization —The Iraqi insurgency in Fallujah was on its back foot after five straight days of fighting. The Americans’ concentration of combat power to penetrate ...
- + Bases Clusters: Displace, Disperse, Defend to Survive —Background and History The 325th Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) operates in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command region and supports an infantry brigade com...
- + STAMP: Advanced Power Distribution as a Force Multiplier —Think about the last time your command needed mobile power in the field. This probably required the servicing, maintenance, dispatching, and recovery ...
- + Holistic Fleet Management: Prioritizing Proactive Metrics for Enhanced Materiel Availability —In April, the DoD took a significant step forward in sustaining the joint force with the release of DoD Instruction (DoDI) 3110.05, Sustainment Health...
- + Sustaining the Army’s Continuous Transformation —I’ll begin this quarter by taking some time to honor and remember Lt. Gen. (Retired) Arthur J. Gregg. As you all likely know, Lt. Gen. Gregg passed aw...
- + Sustaining and Maintaining the Army’s Modernization Efforts —In 2018, the Army established Army Futures Command and identified signature modernization priorities to ensure U.S. dominance on the battlefield in th...
- + The Challenge to Sustain and Maintain a Modernizing and Innovating Army —With the transition from counterinsurgency to large-scale combat operations, the environment in which we prepare to conduct missions, the capabilities...
- + Transforming Maintenance for the Army of 2030: The Technician Badge —Amid a rapidly evolving global security landscape, the Army finds itself at a crossroads, demanding a profound transformation to meet future challenge...
- + Addressing the Knowledge Gap in Operational Contract Support—The needs of our military have always exceeded our organic capability. To fill this gap, contractors have provided essential services such as food, me...
- + Embracing the Automated Route Reconnaissance Kit in U.S. European Command: A Lesson in Nesting a Warfighting Capability Across Multiple Functions —The Automated Route Reconnaissance Kit (ARRK) is a little-known capability outside the engineer regiment. It has incredible potential to positively af...
- + Army Prepositioned Stock and Ready and Agile Logistics Enable Success at DEFENDER 24 —Over the last five years, the Army has demonstrated logistics readiness and agility by deploying on short notice to undeveloped locations to protect U...
- + Smart Logistics: Navigating the AI Frontier in Sustainment Operations —“As the United States seeks to continue its ability to dominate the air, land and sea, applications of AI in warfare will permeate into every facet of...
- + Sustaining and Maintaining the Army’s Modernization Efforts —The modern battlefield is an ever-evolving landscape, characterized by rapid technological advancements and shifting tactical paradigms. To maintain d...
- + Strengthening the Foundation: Elevating the Sustainment Staff to New Heights —As the Army transitions from counterinsurgency operations to large-scale combat operations (LSCO), it is imperative to focus on training our formation...
- + 21st Century Maintenance: Tobyhanna Army Depot Provides Full-Spectrum Support to the Joint Warfighter —It is no secret that the goal of any organic industrial base (OIB) installation is to equip and sustain the joint warfighter in support of military op...
- + Enhancing the Handling of Army Pre-Positioned Stock-5 by Improving the Performance of Contracting Officer’s Representatives —Army Field Support Battalion-Kuwait (AFSBn-KU) is responsible for the receipt, maintenance, storage, and issue of Army Pre-Positioned Stock-5 (APS-5) ...
- + Building a Data-/Evidence-Based Decision-Making Culture at Army Sustainment University —The Army’s investment in technical capabilities in collecting, storing, and disseminating data has dramatically increased. Advancements in the volume ...
- + Precision Sustainment and Predictive Logistics in USINDOPACOM —Implementing precision sustainment and predictive logistics is critical to overcoming contested logistics and sustaining the U.S. Army in the Indo-Pac...
- + Contested Logistics in a Jungle Environment | A Back-to-Basics Approach at the JPMRC —In a jungle environment, mission success is measured not only in terms of efficiency and timeliness, but also in the ability to adapt, innovate, and o...
- + Synchronizing Relationships and Enhancing Material Readiness Across the Division Area —The division sustainment brigade’s (DSB’s) support operations (SPO) maintenance section stands as the division maintenance section’s primary support a...
- + Bolstering Relations with Allies in the Pacific —The U.S. and the Philippines have a long history of cooperation, officially starting in 1951 with the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty. There ha...
- + Supply Team Certifications: Sustainment Tables for Supply Certifications —Importance of Sustainment Synchronization Sustainment requires simultaneous and continuous synchronization at all echelons of command. The sustainment...
- + It’s Time to Move the Goalposts | A Recommendation for Bringing Sustainment Readiness Metrics in Line with Reality—Army leaders face constant pressure to keep a wide variety of readiness metrics at the highest possible levels, including several sustainment-specific...
- + Logistics Evolution at the National Training Center | Sustainment in a Communications-Constrained Environment —“Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics.” This maxim — once spoken by Gen. Robert H. Barrow, onetime commandant of the U.S. Ma...
- + Unveiling the Significance of the Army’s Training with Industry Program —The Training with Industry Program and Why it is Important to the Army Transformation in contact requires today’s Soldiers to adapt to the advancement...
- + Legitimizing Ammunition Logistics in Indo-Pacific Competition —In an environment composed mostly of air and sea, Army missions remain integral parts of joint and multidomain operations, and unified action, in the ...
- + Joint Maritime Distribution Operations | Reflections of the Pacific Theater during World War II —“The ultimate determinate in war is the man on the scene with the gun. This man is the final power in war. He is in control. He determines who wins.” ...
- + Hell On Wheels —Ever since Russia and colluding rebels occupied Crimea, the Russians have built an extensive military network along Ukraine’s borders. They built base...
- + Petroleum Quality Analysis System-Enhanced | A Critical Enabler for the Army —Petroleum Quality Analysis System-Enhanced The Army uses the Petroleum Quality Analysis System-Enhanced (PQAS-E) for analyzing and assessing the quali...
- + Honoring Tradition and Adapting to the Future | The Joint Force Award for Water Excellence Program —As we delve into the dynamic field of liquid logistics, it is crucial to recognize the rich history of the Sgt. Maj. John C. Marigliano Award of Excel...
- + The Indo-Pacific Division Sustainment Support Battalion | Division and Garrison Support Responsibility —Commanders delegate appropriate authority to deputies, subordinate commanders, and staff members based on their capabilities and experience. Delegatio...
- + Materiel Support Command-Korea Combat Power Generation Center | Modernizing Kinetic Maintenance at the Edge —Materiel Support Command-Korea Combat Power Generation Center Mission The 2022 National Defense Strategy has prioritized focus to the Indo-Pacific reg...
- + Division Sustainment at NTC Rotation 24-03 —The 1st Armored Division (1AD) conducted a division-level National Training Center (NTC) rotation to stress artillery, aviation, and sustainment. In t...
- + Closing The Gap | Army Aviation and the Sustainment Warfighting Function —At a U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) Monthly Aviation Readiness Review (MARR) in the fall of 2023, various combat aviation brigade (CAB) commanders...
- + Sustainment Challenges in the Indo-Pacific Theater—The U.S. Indo-Pacific theater possesses many unique sustainment challenges as a maritime environment, including tyranny of distance, limited infrastru...
- + Benefits of the Forward Logistics Element Concept in the Indo-Pacific Region —Gaps in Sustainment The Army’s fight in a widely dispersed and geographically diverse Indo-Pacific presents many logistical complexities to sustain th...
- + Premature Battery Failure in Maintenance | A Costly Battle Against Time —In the dynamic world of maintenance and operations, time is a nonrenewable resource that dictates the efficiency and effectiveness of processes. Among...
- + Sustainment in USINDOPACOM and the Maritime Environment —In March of this year, I had the opportunity to visit the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) area of responsibility (AOR) with senior logistics l...
- + Adapting Sustainment to Meet Geographical Challenges—In a February 2023 talk at the American Enterprise Institute on the Army’s role in the Indo-Pacific region, Gen. Charles A. Flynn, commander of U.S. A...
- + HR Sustainment: Defending a Free and Open Indo-Pacific—The Indo-Pacific is pivotal to the U.S. national strategy, which requires multidomain operations within a joint theater. Human resource (HR) sustainme...
- + The Multifunctional Logistician —Most agree that much of what a senior sustainment NCO does is accomplished through the lens of a multifunctional logistician. What is a multifunctiona...
- + Theater Sustainment Transformation: Lessons from the Russia-Ukraine War —Emerging technologies, already visible on the battlefields of Ukraine, are rapidly changing the character of war in ways that require a transformation...
- + Changing Military Mentality Vital to Modernization —As the Army comes out of prolonged conflicts in the Middle East and focuses its attention on Russia and the pacing threat of China, Army leadership is...
- + Lessons from the Modern Battlefield: Deliver Ready Combat Formations—Conflicts around the world demonstrate the need to refine policies and strategies to prepare for the future fight in a contested environment. With a c...
- + Adapting to the Expected LSCO Conflicts in the 21st Century—Throughout history, advances in civilian and military technology have continuously changed the character of warfare and necessitated constant adaptati...
- + Tactical Sustainment: Unraveling Kyiv’s Urban Battlefield —The battle for Kyiv reinforces the lesson that the sustainer must always account for worst-case scenarios, including prolonged operations, increased...
- + Munitions for Ukraine: Observations and Recommendations—The ongoing international conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which began in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea, has brought about a new reality in w...
- + Intermodal Operations in Support of the Ukrainian Fight —Force projection is the ability to deliver the military instrument of national power where and when it’s needed in response to national security requi...
- + The Mission and Maintenance: What Logistics Assistance Representatives Mean to You —The world is learning the importance of sustainment and maintenance as it watches Russia attempt to occupy and annex Ukraine. Beleaguered Russian form...
- + Embracing Modernization: Progress and Innovation in Aerial Delivery —Over the past 15 years, significant advancements in aerial delivery capabilities have allowed for enhanced interoperability and readiness/modernizatio...
- + Leaping Ahead in Projecting Combat Power: The View From the 267th Theater Movement Control Element —On Feb. 24, 2022, the forces of the Russian Federation crossed the Ukraine border, initiating a special military operation that resulted in the first ...
- + Prepare to be Contested, Period —In an era marked by rapidly evolving technological advancements and geopolitical complexities, combat operations are no longer confined to conventiona...
- + Logistics in the Indo-Pacific: Setting the Theater for a Conflict over Taiwan —The likelihood of a U.S. military conflict with China over Taiwan in the next decade continues to increase. Over the past two decades of war in Iraq a...
- + Compressing the Spring: How III Armored Corps Sustains Large-Scale Combat Operations —"The line between disorder and order lies in logistics." - Sun Tzu Early in the military decision-making process (MDMP) for Warfighter Exercise (WFX) ...
- + Transforming Army Sustainment to Contend with a Contested Logistics Environment —As the Army pursues transformational change to execute large-scale combat operations against peer adversaries in a multidomain operations environment,...
- + Preparing to Win: Ensuring Our Army’s Success in a Contested Environment —In his address at the Association of the United States Army 2023 Annual Meeting, Gen. Randy George, the 41st Chief of Staff of the Army, posited, “The...
- + Pier to Peer: Using JLOTS to Deploy Forces During LSCO —As the Army continues adjusting its sustainment capabilities toward succeeding in multidomain operations (MDO) environments against peer adversaries, ...
- + Contested Logistics | AI, Optimization, and Rational Thought (A Mathematician’s Lament) —The U.S. military experienced logistics challenges with land-locked Afghanistan, but one of the last times it faced actively contested logistics was w...
- + Strategic Enabler’s Lens: Supporting LSCO in a Contested Environment —As the Army organizes divisions and corps into formations supporting large-scale combat operations (LSCO) for the Army of 2030, sustainment operations...
- + Security Force Assistance Brigades: Ways to Support Advisor Teams in Conflict —Between 2017 and 2020, the Army set up six security force assistance brigades (SFABs) designed to advise, assist, and accompany Afghan, Iraqi, and Pes...
- + Training Logistics Through Campaigning —Warfighting is fundamental to the Army. World-class warfighting requires world-class multi-echeloned training that rehearses critical tasks and develo...
- + Facing Fatality: Mortuary Affairs in LSCO —As the DOD begins analyzing the many challen-ges associated with the shift in focus from counterinsurgency (COIN) operations to large-scale combat ope...
- + Keys to Contested Logistics in the Indo-Pacific: Access, Presence, Posture, and Interoperability —Contested logistics is gaining traction across the DOD, specifically in the Indo-Pacific theater, as the threat of conflict with strategic competitors...
- + Contested Logistics Environment Defined —As of this writing, the Army and DOD have yet to codify the terms contested logistics and contested logistics environment in doctrine. The military mu...
- + Agile, Resilient Sustainment NCOs: Ensuring Future Army Readiness —As wars always do, the conflict in Ukraine brought the importance and criticality of logistics and sustainment to the forefront. It also demonstrated ...
- + Contested Religious Support in LSCO —Field Manual (FM) 1-05, Religious Support, states, “Adaptability is the ability to shape conditions and respond effectively to a changing operational....
- + Applying the Proposed 04A – Sustainment Officer Immaterial Code in Multifunctional Sustainment Formations —Sometimes, the Army needs the right military occupational specialty (MOS) for a particular job. In other cases, it is more important for the right lea...
- + Exercising the Pacific Theater AFSB —The Indo-Pacific region presents multiple challenges for the joint force to fight and win against a near-peer or capable adversary. To extend the oper...
- + Sustainment in the Baltic States and the Effects on LSCO | A Junior Leader Perspective—Europe currently has over 100,000 U.S. service members strategically postured to deter Russia and train for large-scale combat operations (LSCO). The ...
- + Supporting Warfare in the Indo-Pacific Through Space-Based Sustainment —As the U.S. military prepares for conflict against threats highlighted in the “2022 National Security Strategy,” all eyes are on the Indo-Pacific thea...
- + P Week Methodology | The “P”referred Menu Option for Field Feeding Training Plans —The green-amber-red cycle is the most common time management system used in the Army. However, there are more effective systems for companies where pl...
- + Data-Centric Sustainment Will Turn Past Challenges into Future Opportunities for the Total Army and Joint Force —Last spring, the Honorable Christine E. Wormuth, the 25th Secretary of the Army (SECARMY), asserted to the Senate Committee on Armed Services that “Da...
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