- + Gen. Odierno visits Bagram Retrosort Yard—The 38th Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Raymond T. Odierno visited the Bagram Air Field Retrosort Yard on the drizzly morning of Feb. 21. The general...
- + Gen. Odierno visits Bagram Retrosort Yard [Image 4 of 6]—U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno speaks with Sgt. Kenneth Green of the 247th Quartermaster Company during a visit to the Bagram Retros...
- + Gen. Odierno visits Bagram Retrosort Yard [Image 3 of 6]—U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, center, receives a briefing from 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion executive officer Maj. Ro...
- + Gen. Odierno visits Bagram Retrosort Yard [Image 2 of 6]—U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, center, speaks with Soldiers assigned to the 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion during a visi...
- + Gen. Odierno visits Bagram Retrosort Yard [Image 5 of 6]—U.S. Army Maj. Rosendo Pagan, center, the 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion's executive officer, briefs Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Od...
- + Gen. Odierno visits Bagram Retrosort Yard [Image 1 of 6]—U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, left, greets Maj. Rosendo Pagan, the 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion's executive officer, ...
- + Gen. Odierno visits Bagram Retrosort Yard [Image 6 of 6]—U.S. Army Spc. Emily Burgos, left, briefs Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno during a visit to the Bagram Retrosort Yard in Parwan province, ...
- + Publication - Warhammer Times—18th Warhammers return from Afghanistan, Defense Logistics Agency Director visits the Bagram Retrosort Yard, FOB Shank FRE, Celebrating success: FOB A...
- + Brig. Gen. David Clarkson visits the 18th CSSB retrograde yard in Kandahar Airfield—Gen. David Clarkson, the Deputy Commanding General of the 1st Theater Sustainment Command walked through the Kandahar Retrograde Yard with Lt. Col. Mi...
- + Brig. Gen. David Clarkson visits the 18th CSSB retrograde yard in Kandahar Airfield [Image 2 of 2]—Spc. Corey Sutton, from Woodbridge, Va. and Sgt. Davin Pelton of Troy, Il., both automated logistic specialists with the 40th QMC of the 45th special ...
- + Brig. Gen. David Clarkson visits the 18th CSSB retrograde yard in Kandahar Airfield [Image 1 of 2]—Staff Sgt. Jeffrey Phillips, the motor Sgt. for HHC, 18th CSSB, explains the maintenance portion of the retrograde yard to the deputy commanding gener...
- + 18th CSSB soldiers awarded combat patches—Soldiers of Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, of the 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB), were awarded the 16th Sustainment Briga...
- + Heidi Shyu and Gen. Dennis Via visited the 18th CSSB retrograde yard in Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan—The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, Heidi Shyu and the Commanding General of the Army Materiel Command, Gen...
- + Honorable Heidi Shyu and Gen. Dennis Via visited the 18th CSSB retrograde yard in Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan [Image 8 of 8]—The Commanding General of the Army Materiel Command, Gen. Dennis Via, and the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technolog...
- + Honorable Heidi Shyu and Gen. Dennis Via visited the 18th CSSB retrograde yard in Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan [Image 7 of 8]—Chief Warrant Officer Sulaiman Bah, the Retrograde Support Officer-in-Charge for the 18th CSSB, explains the how items are processed in the Kandahar R...
- + CMRE soldiers fire for German Schützenschnur.—Ten soldiers from the Headquarters Company 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion and B Company 427th Brigade Support Battalion qualified for the S...
- + 113th soldiers complete mission in Afghanistan—Soldiers of B-Company, 113th Special Troops Battalion, deployed from Greensboro, N.C., in December of 2011 in support of Operation New Dawn. Seven mon...
- + Warhammers neutralize Afghan bombs—After three months, 90 missions, 40 indirectly fired rockets and projectiles cleared, and 280 pieces of evidence processed to identify bomb makers, th...
- + Publication - Warhammer Times—Warhammers neutralize bombs in Afghanistan; Maj. Gen. Stein and Maj. Gen. Dahl visit the Bagram Retrosort Yard; Military branches join forces to save ...
- + The 18th CSSB, continues their support of the German War Graves Commission even while deployed.—The 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion held a 5 kilometer (3.1 miles) fundraiser run in support of the German War Graves Commission on Dec. 25 ...
- + National Anthem for Bravo Company, 427th Brigade Support Battalion's Award Ceremony—Pfc. Alexa Wade sings the National Anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, for the End-of-Tour Award Ceremony for B/427th BSB, of the N.Y. National Guard. B...
- + Publication - Warhammer Times—Warhammer Soldiers aim for the German Schützenschnur ; Army military leadership visits 427th Soldiers in Sharana; NY TAG Visits Soldiers in Afghanista...
- + 18th CSSB, Holiday Video—The Soldiers of the 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, give their holiday greeting to their family back home in Grafenwoehr and around the wor...
- + Vice chief of staff and under secretary of the Army explore the Bagram Retrosort Yard—Vice Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III and Under Secretary of the Army Dr. Joseph W. Westphal visited the Bagram Air Field Retrosort...
- + Top US military logisticians visit the Bagram Retrosort Yard—Heads of logistics operations from different military branches toured the Bagram Retrosort Yard on Friday, Nov. 16th. [Author: Capt. Henry Chan]
- + Publication - Warhammer Times—Like Fathers Like Sons: 1st Division Family; SHAPE Chief of Staff Visits the Bagram Retrosort Yard; HHC427th Soldiers run for Breast Cancer Awareness;...
- + Publication - Warhammer Times—Third Army Commander visits Bagram Retrosort Yard; Major General Stein's Visit to the Kandahar Airfield Retrosort Yard; 113th Soldiers complete missio...
- + Publication - Warhammer Times—Commander of the International Security Assistance Force visits the Retrograde Yard in Bagram; Warhammers in Bagram, Afghanistan; 113th STB commander ...
- + Publication - Warhammer Times—Brig. Gen. David Clarkson visits the 18th CSSB retrograde yard in Kandahar Airfield; 18th CSSB Soldiers awarded Combat Patches; Logisticians to tackle...
As of 1/4/25 6:26pm. Last new 12/8/24 12:19pm. Score: 211
- Next feed in category: 1st Battalion, 188th Air Defense Artillery